- The Latin word for ”talk” is DICO. Within our research group we follow the Socratic questioning method, which is a form of a dialogue between researchers, to stimulate critical thinking, and to draw out ideas within the research group. We weekly host DISE DICO in which various topics are discussed, we also invite regularly guests to join. Our research group is focused at solving societal issues, such as the emergence of a dozen crypto-currencies and how these developments influence society at large, and how these developments can be derived and structured into research.
Fadime: Jan 17th
Nedo: Jan 24th
No meeting 7th Feb
Isaac: Feb 14th
Ahmad: Feb 21st
Jia: Feb 28th
Robert: 7th March
Wendelien: March 14th
Jaap: March 21st
Anna: March 28th
Tina: April 4th
Iris: April 11th
Hans: April 18th